This summer our family made a pretty big decision to pick up our lives, say good bye to friends and family and move to a rural area near Lincoln, Nebraska. When we first got here we were slightly concerned by the number of people asking why in the world we would leave Idaho for Nebraska. Well, we've been here almost half a year now! Wow that flew by! We love Nebraska. Tornados not so much but, we have our dream house on a few acres with a barn and chicken coop all ready for animals in the spring. We've joined a homeschool co op. Found a great OPC church filled with people we adore... The list goes on! Plus, being in the center of the country, we are looking forward to lots of trips here and there since we're so much closer to so many things! First on my list is the creation museum in Cincinatti. I hope we will make it there this spring!
It's no coincidence that the house were buying was built by a family with ten kids!! It's not huge or fancy, but its perfect for us!