I think all large families find joy in coming up with ridiculous answers to the questions we constantly get about why we have sooooo many children. Most of the ones my husband and I have come up with are inappropriate to share (in my opinion...he doesn't seem to have such high standards :p ).
It's interesting though because you can tell by the way the person phrases their question or comment whether they are thrilled to see a big, happy, smiling family or if they are appauled by such "irresponsible, ignorant, uneducated people" overpopulating the earth.
It is usually pretty easy to tell which category a person falls under. For example, when you hear, "Boy, you sure have your hands full", or "Well thats quite the herd, isn't it". Those people are usually not people who are fans of large homeschooled families. I think my new response to these people will be "Well we figured dozens and dozens of children would be our best shot at world domination. Muahahahahaha (My five year old has a pretty serious evil villain laugh so I think I will train her to do it on cue)!"
On the other hand when you hear, "Wow, its nice to see children who are so well-behaved" (clearly they caught us at a moment when my two-year-old was either sleeping, eating or at home), or "That's a good looking group you've got there". Those are the people who like children and are happy to see smiling faces.
Recently I saw a bumper sticker online that said, "No they're not all mine. I gather all the neighborhood kids then go grocery shopping". I was dying because seriously we CANNOT go to the grocery store without someone asking
Hahaha! You should write a book about responses for "large family" comments!